Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Im Sick Again and Granddad Dale has passed.

So a few things. First on New Years Morning, Granddad Dale lost his battle with Alzheimers and peacefully went home to the Lord. This past Saturday was his funeral and it was pouring rain during the service graveside. I had a little cough going into the weekend (and if you hadn't heard about the storms we had in Northern California last weekend...where have you been!) but being outdoors in it made it I am now sick again...possible bronchitis.

Anyway, during the service, the cemetery was supposed to have an Honor Guard for him because of his service during WWII. They never showed up so because of my JROTC training, I ended up folding the flag and presenting it to Grandma Lourdes. A very touching moment.

So, I am here again in bed with Lauren also being sick as a dog. Poor thing...she doesn't quite realize what's up, though she has been a good sport though.

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